Developed at the Florida Institute of Technology
Author: Scott Demarest
Co-Developer: Matthew Romano
Supervisor: Souvik Das

User Registration

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Privilege ?
Level Privileges Typical Role
Viewer Can view results, grades, rubrics Anyone within the CMS Collaboration
Shifter All privileges of a Viewer. Can upload test results from OSU-GUI or Dirigent after a sanity check. Senior undergraduate, graduate student or technician tasked with routine module testing or fabrication. Does not need to grade.
Leader All privileges of a Shifter. Can review and grade test results based on existing rubrics. Senior graduate students, postdocs or professors at an institution who reviews test results uploaded by their Shifters at the end of the day and grades them. Is responsible for modules tested and graded by their site.
Conductor All privileges of a Leader. Can create new rubrics. Can bulk-regrade all modules based on new rubrics. Senior postdocs or professors who represent their subdetector, TFPX, TBPX or TEPX. Must coordinate with other subdetectors before creating new rubrics and initiating bulk-regrades.
Admin All privileges. Can modify the SQL tables directly. Panthera developers





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If you are applying for a privilege other than the Viewer level, you need at email Scott Demarest at for account approval after you've signed up. If your affiliation is missing from the list, contact Scott Demarest.

Return to login page here.