Developed at the Florida Institute of Technology
Author: Scott Demarest
Co-Developer: Matthew Romano
Supervisor: Souvik Das

Find Modules by:
Module Name
CROC version
Rubric Version

Search for modules using the filters above the table. You can manually input multiple module names or copy paste in a comma separated list of names. Rubric Version is for finding modules with sequences that have been graded by a given rubric. Grade is for finding modules with sequences that have received a given grade.

After selecting a module, the sequences appear below the table in reverse chronological order. Everything is stored in collapsible sections. You can expand most of them out with the expand all button.

Plots are images arranged like the chips are on a module. For example, if it's a 1x2 module, the images are grouped in 1x2 grids. Click on an image to view it larger as a pop up (need to enable pop-ups in your browser). You can also right click and view image in new tab.

Download original files from the blue download collapsible under each result.

Module details displayed here